Do you find yourself constantly running out of space on your iPhone? Do you habitually snap photos of meetups with friends, tasty meals or your pets? Have you found yourself wondering how you can delete photo albums on your iPhone while keeping a backup elsewhere?
The good news is, Apple makes it easy to keep backups of important documents (including photos) in the iCloud. You can delete a photo album from your phone and still have a copy of them online. If you’re really sentimental, you can also get those photos printed and keep them in real photo albums too.
To delete photo albums on your iPhone, simply follow these steps:
It’s important to note that deleting the albums does not delete the photos that were associated with the album. If you want to delete the photos, you can do that by using the photo gallery.
When you delete a photo from your phone, it will also remove it from your iCloud, unless you turn off the iCloud Photos feature first. When you do this, if you have the option ‘Optimise iPhone Storage’ ticked in your phone’s settings, you’ll be asked whether you want to download and keep the original photos or remove them from your phone. Whatever option you decide to choose, the iCloud backup will be kept intact.
It’s important to note that if you decide to re-enable iCloud after doing this, it will sync with your phone and delete any images.
The way to work around this is to sign in to a different iCloud account, leaving the first account as a backup of the images you wanted to keep.
Rather than relying on digital backups of your photo albums when you delete the ones that are on your phone, why not print a real-world photo album instead? There are many services that will print digital photos for you, and photos taken with an iPhone are usually clear enough and high resolution enough that they look great when they’re printed.
You can create a scrapbook with them or put them in a traditional photo album that you can take out and look at whenever you want. There’s no need to worry about deleting them by accident or getting locked out of your iCloud account. Digital images are great, but real-world photos have an extra bit of sentimental value.
As you can see, Apple has made the iPhone pretty easy to use and it has a great camera, but the features aren’t completely intuitive. Deleting photo albums only deletes that specific arrangement of the photos, it doesn’t free up a lot of space on your device. Albums, themselves do not take up a lot of storage.
Meanwhile, deleting photos off your phone could mean you accidentally delete them from your iCloud too, unless you take steps to prevent this. Make sure you’ve got a backup of any photos that you really like, either on a separate iCloud account or on a different photo saving or backup service, so that you don’t accidentally lose your favourite wedding photos or something else that has a lot of sentimental value to you.
Get your photos off your phone and into a photo album so you can show everyone your most treasured memories easily and conveniently. Here at Photoland, we offer a wide range of photo albums to help you preserve your special memories.
Please call us today for your photo album choices at (02) 9235 1933 or contact us via our website.